Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tri-City Herald endorses... who?

For as far apart as the candidates in the 16th Legislative District are on a couple of social issues, they line up fairly closely on many fiscal matters.

They agree the state is broke and our spending is way out of control.

Although Maureen Walsh is liberal enough that her vote in favor of domestic partnerships got her censured by the Franklin County Republicans and she is pro-choice, she considers herself to be a moderate. When it comes to money, Walsh sees herself on the conservative side of the line.

Her opponent, Brenda High, disagrees.

High is ultra-conservative, socially and fiscally, and she is among the 17 Franklin County Republicans who censured Walsh. For this election, however, High is running on the Constitution ticket.

This is High's first run for the Legislature, but she has years of experience in writing and passing laws. High founded Bully Police USA as a response to her son's death in 1998 and has been effective in helping to pass anti-bullying laws in states across the country.

She also has some solid ideas on how to reduce the state's spending, such as home monitoring instead of jail or prison time for low-level criminals...

Read more:

Comment from Brenda...
When my husband read the Editorial endorsement, he thought it was more of an endorsement for me than for Maureen Walsh. But in the end, because Washington state needs "team players" in Olympia, the endorsement went to Maureen. ...Personally, I think we need to vote some of the bad players (big spending liberals) off the team.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pat Buchanan Speaks about Rockefeller Republicans

Is the Republican establishment losing it?

Is the party leadership capable of uniting a governing coalition as Richard Nixon did before Watergate and Ronald Reagan resurrected in the 1980s?

Observing the hysteria and nastiness of Karl Rove and the GOP establishment at the stunning triumph of Tea Party Princess Christine O’Donnell, the answer is no.

This party is not ready to rule.

Consider. In its grand strategy to recapture a Senate that George W. Bush and Rove lost in 2006, the GOP Senate leadership endorsed all its own caucus members for re-election, if they chose to run, then picked out all its favorite candidates for the open and Democratic seats.

Conservatives and tea party activists, however, had other ideas. They began to pick their own candidates. And, again and again, the Senate’s chosen were rejected in favor of tea party challengers who had the endorsement of Sarah Palin or South Carolina’s Jim DeMint.

Arlen Specter was rejected by the Pennsylvania GOP and left the party. Rand Paul routed Sen. Mitch McConnell’s man in Kentucky. Charlie Crist was challenged by Marco Rubio in Florida. Crist, too, departed. Sen. Bob Bennett was denied renomination in Utah. Sen. Lisa Murkowski lost her primary in Alaska to a little-known fellow named Joe Miller.

But Delaware was the stunner. Rep. Mike Castle, a former two-term governor who had been winning elections for 40 years, was a certain victor in November.

Challenger O’Donnell, however, ended all that.

To read the rest of the article go to: