Saturday, July 17, 2010

Napoleon and the Gay Samoans

By Sandy Rios - Townhall

”If education were a product we would be suing,” wrote the mother of a 2010 high school graduate. Her e-mail was so eloquent, it warrants no editing:

“Today I asked my son what country Napoleon was from. He said Rome.

He just finished 12 years of public schooling in what has been called one of the top high schools in the nation. Although he’s not a bookworm, he is a decent student. He has better than a B average.

He doesn’t know which country Napoleon was from – let alone what he did. I don’t think he was sick that day.

On the other hand, I’m going through his Social Study papers and see that he did learn that homosexual men in Samoa may perpetuate gay genes by being good uncles…

Twelve years. If education were a product we would be suing.”

To read the whole article go to

Comment: Parents must be vigilant in fighting the Godless religions being brought into our schools, i.e., homosexual indoctrination, liberal philosophy, progressive politics and humanist propaganda.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Income Tax NOT Needed

Here are a couple of short clips from an article by Paul Guppy, Vice President for Research at Washington Policy Center, an independent non-partisan policy research organization in Washington state. For more information about the Washington Policy Center, visit

Jun 16 2010

"This fall Washington voters will likely again be asked to pass a state income tax. Tax proponents want to impose a tax of 5 percent on people with yearly incomes over $200,000 and on couples with incomes over $400,000. The rate would rise to 9 percent at the $500,000 and $1 million levels....

"....a word about fairness. Tax proponents say it is fair to vote for an income tax. Really? Is it fair to ask 97 percent of people to impose a tax on the remaining 3 percent, especially when proponents promise the majority this is a tax they will never have to pay?

"It’s one thing to ask citizens to tax themselves for the common good, as happens with school levies, but the appeal by tax proponents isn’t about fairness — it’s about power. They say, “Let’s use government power to get money from those people.” This is a cynical, mean-spirited appeal to class differences and soak-the-rich envy, seeking to divide our communities along economic lines...."

To read the entire article go to:

My Comments
Mr Guppy is right on Constitutionally. We The People...doesn't mean just 3 percent of the people will pay for the burdens of a State government. If Washington voters want to vote themselves a state tax, it should be a fair tax for everyone, from the poor with only a "Widow's Mite" to the rich like Bill Gates.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Endorsement from Human Life PAC

"We are pleased to inform you that you have received the endorsement of Human Life Political Action Committee (PAC)."

My statement on abortion:

The Preamble of the Constitution states a purpose of the Constitution to be to: "…secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity".

The unalienable right of Life is secured by our Constitution "to ourselves and our Posterity". Our posterity includes children born and future generations yet unborn. Any legalization of the termination of innocent life of the born or unborn is a direct violation of our unalienable right to life.

In addition, Article IV of the Constitution guarantees to each state a republican form of government. Although a Supreme Court opinion is binding on the parties to the controversy as to the particulars of the case, it is not a political rule for the nation. Roe v. Wade is an illegitimate usurpation of authority, contrary to our Constitution.